Designing a perfume bottle
A product design which immediately tells its story.
With Champion, Davidoff changes themes,, instead of adventure, it tackles the theme of taking up new challenges. The brand plays the sports card, along with the desire to win and surpass oneself.
The role of the design of the new perfume: to retranscribe the Champion concept to a bottle which sports fans will immediately identify with.
The creative vision: The elaborate packaging is designed to look just like a dumbbell made in a surrealistic manner. The cylindrical body supports the two disks. The bottle is made from a combination of thick glass and metal, creating a perfect illusion when held. This perfume bottle becomes the avatar of a reference object, the values of which make sense to men. Thanks to its design, the symbolic value of the dumbbell is in perfect harmony with the fragrance, creating a powerful emotional bond.
Design, Creation, Artistic management – perfume bottle, case
Merchandising Concept created then declined by the creation studio
3D Volume, 2D Graphics, technical contract documents, development of elaborate packaging, industrial design follow-up (layout, iges verriers) architecture layouts
Material recommendations.